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Border Security Force (BSF) Admit Card 2013 Constable/Tradesman

Border Security Force Admit card  Constable/Tradesman Exam 2013

Border Security Force (BSF) Admit Card 2013 Constable/TradesmanBorder Security Force is goint to announce the Admit card/ Hall Ticket for Constable/Tradesman Exam 2013. BSF will release through online from official website www.bsf.nic.in. Candidates who are applied for this constable, Tradesman pots in the month of September and eagerly waiting for write the exam can download their Admit card/ Hall ticket in October month end. For this posts very huge number of candidates are appeared through the country for this year 2013.

Border Security Force (BSF) has announced a notification for recruitment of 1438 posts on 18th September 2013. Candidates who are completed their registration process successfully for getting the most important job to protect our country in the border sides . Candidates can download their Admit card through BSF official portal. Candidates who wants to download their Admit card need to follow simple steps given below.

Border Security force Admit card 2013 Download :

 1. Open the BSF official website is www.bsf.nic.in

 2. Enter your Registration number or Enrollment number

 3. Download your Admit card and take a print out copy

To download the BSF Admit card 2013 and to know the Examination details and some other information can visit the official website by using the given below link..

Click Here for BSF Constable / Tradesman Admit Card 2013