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RRC Group-D Western Railway Recruitment 2014 For 5775 Vacancies

RRC Group-D Recruitment 2014, Western Railway Group D Application Form, www.rrc-wr.com Latest Notification 2014, RRC Mumbai WR Group D 5775 Posts

RRC Group-D Western Railway Recruitment 2014 For 5775 VacanciesWestern Railway Recruitment 2013 invites online applications for 5775 Group D Vacancies. Mumbai WR Group-D Apply Online at www.rrc-wr.com. Railway Recruitment Cell has been announced Group-D Notification of RRC/WR/02/2013. Interested candidates to apply RRC Group-D WR Recruitment 2014 Online Application Forms submission before on 14th January 2014 up to 17:00 PM.
Mumbai Western Railway applications to be filled in the prescribed format. Indian citizens are eligible to apply as fill up 5775 posts. The eligibility of RRC Group D, Qualification, Scale of pay, Age limit and Vacancy details are given below.

Eligibility :

Name of the Post & Vacancies :

* Gangman /Trackman- 3534

* Helper /Khallasi (Engg/ Mech / Elect/ S&T/Comml./Optg. Deptt.Of Divisions )- 932

* Helper – II/Khallasi(Engg/Mech./ Elect./S&TWorkshop)- 662

* Helper – II /Khallasi(TMCOrganisation)- 52

* Platform Porter- 595

Education Qualification :

Candidate should be qualified a minimum of 10th / ITI / Equivalent Qualification from a recognized board or institute

Scale of Pay :

Payable of Rs.5200-20200 with GP is Rs.1800/- in Division(s) and Workshop(s) of Western Railway. In this RRCW Recruitment 2013 3% of 5775 vacancies i.e. 173 vacancies are reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PWD), 20% of 5775 vacancies i.e. 1154 are reserved for Ex-Servicemen.

Application Fee :

All category candidates are to be payable of Rs.100/- for Western Railway Group-D posts Application Examination Fees

Candidates pay fee shall be paid only in the form of Crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of ‘Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), RRC-WR’ and payable at Mumbai. 

How To Apply :

* Applications complete in all respects along with all relevant enclosures in an envelope superscribed as "Application for the Posts in Pay Band I /GP–Rs.1800/- of Western Railway".

* Filled Applications shall be sent by ordinary post to “Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Western Railway, Parcel Depot, Alibhai Premji Marg, Grant Road (East), Mumbai-400 007”.

* The application can also be dropped in the Drop Box kept at RRC / WR Office.

For more details & Download "Application form of RRC Group-D" as given below follow.